I decided to use this video to anaylse as Paramore is a similiar band to my choosen unsigned band. Hayley Williams, the lead vocalist is the main focus in the video, however the band also is included. I partically like the use of part band and part narrative video. Thus presenting the band, however also emphasising the lyrics and the song. What's more the video seems more intimate with the audience through the use of the mise en scene; the band performing in an living room.
Furthermore, the band also plays as part of the narrative, thus connecting with the song and presenting Paramore.
Effectively, there are several different camera angles and editing. The use of closeups focus on the main singer Hayley, displaying passion and emotion into the song, again connecting to the audience in an intimate way.
What's more the use of split screen emphasises the narrative of the song, thus presenting creativity and a different style.